Vianoce sa blížia, čo tak si kúpiť vlajkovú loď Acer Jade Primo za 250 eur?

Zdroj: Microsoft Store

Vianoce sa pomaly, ale isto blížia a dnes vám prinášame tip na zariadenia Acer Jade Primo, ktorého cena priam padá na úroveň mid-range zariadení. Hoci aj v slovenských e-shopoch zariadenie nájdete za zhruba niečo málo cez 300 eur, tak aj tu sa dá ušetriť niekoľko desiatok eur. Informovali sme sa na podpore Microsoft Store ako je možné objednať produkty zo zahraničných pobočiek, prekvapila nás reakcia – z anglického Microsoft Store sa dá objednať tovar priamo až k dverám bez navýšenia ceny.

Info: Thank you for shopping with us today. A Microsoft sales specialist will be with you shortly.
info: Privacy Statement 
You are now chatting with ‚Katie A‘.
Katie A: Thanks for contacting Microsoft Store chat, my name is Katie A!  How can I help you today?
You: Hello, i woud like to ask if is possible to make order from france microsoft store and deliver it to Slovakia. Thank you 
Katie A: I would love to assist you with your purchase options today!
Katie A: Let me take a look at your options today!
Katie A: If you purchase via the UK you can have your package shipped to the Slovak Republic.
You: And it is gonna be there some extra charges?
Katie A: Nope
Katie A: Please click here to order via the UK
You: I have one more question. It is possible to make ordinary order to my address or is necessary to change shipping address to Microsoft Store Slovakia?
Katie A: You would place your own address.
You: Thank you. Have a nice day.
You: Martin 🙂
info: Your chat transcript will be sent to at the end of your chat.
Katie A: You as well Martin and Happy Holidays!
Katie A: Thanks again for chatting with us at the Microsoft Store, we appreciate your business!“

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Zariadenie nájdete vo Windows Store na tomto odkaze. PS: čoskoro vám prinesieme recenziu tohto zariadenia.

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